Email Marketing: What is it, Why should I use it? Best practices

Email Marketing: What is it, Why should I use it? Best practices

What is Email Marketing?

Everybody knows that email marketing is a great way to grow your business. But do you really understand how it works?
Today we will cover the basics of email marketing and provide actionable tips for anyone who wants to start using this powerful tool!

Email marketing is a way to reach customers and prospects with timely, relevant information about your products or services. It’s a fantastic way to stay on top of mind for current clients while also building relationships with potential new customers.

It’s also cost-effective, so it can be used by businesses of all sizes. Email marketing ensures that people receive essential information about products.

Many marketers are afraid of email because they don’t know how or where to start. They don’t want to send out emails that annoy their customers and turn them off from future messages.

When you’re new to email marketing, the whole process can seem overwhelming. You’ll need an email list and a good autoresponder sequence set up, as well as some landing pages for your product or service.

Many people think that email marketing is just sending spam emails and hoping for the best. Listen, this can not be further from the truth. If you want to use email marketing effectively, you need a strategy in place.

You need to send them emails to convince them that they should buy from you instead of the competition.

Why Should I Use Email Marketing? 

Do you want to increase your sales?

Are you looking for a way to boost your customer retention rates?

Is your business struggling with increasing its social media following or engagement?

How many of them did you answer yes to? Then you know email marketing is the answer

Email marketing has been around roughly since the early 1990s, and it’s still the number one way to reach your target audience.

It’s affordable, easy to track results, and allows you to build a relationship with your customers.

Email marketing has been proven by many to be one of the most effective ways for small businesses to increase their revenue without spending much money.

If you use it correctly, it can help you retain more customers and grow your social media following.

Did you know Your customers want to hear from you regularly, and they expect it by email?

And Not only does this help with customer retention, but it also helps with sales because people who receive emails from

Businesses tend to buy more than those who don’t receive any communication at all!

What Are The Best Practices For Using Email Marketing?

Use a professional email address. It’s time to stop using your personal email address for business. It is essential to use an email address that conveys professionalism. 

A simple Gmail or Hotmail account won’t trick people into seeing that as unprofessional and lazy.

Personal emails can be hacked and can jeopardize your company data and customer information. 

Use a professional email address that is easily recognizable using a company domain such as




this will also give you more credibility in the eyes of clients,

for email marketing, it is best to use a human name instead of a company name. You will have more chance of landing in the inbox.

Have an Unsubscribe Link in The Footer of Your Emails.

Did you know that it’s mandatory to have an unsubscribe link in every email? It is indeed.

If you don’t include this, your emails may be considered spam and deleted without being read.

So It’s essential to include an unsubscribe link in the footer of your emails. This ensures that you are complying with CAN-SPAM and protecting yourself from penalties.

And It is also one of the best ways to increase open rates through email marketing by including an unsubscribe link in your footer?

This way, people who don’t want to get emails from you anymore can just click it.

Include an Offer or Call to Action in The Email Body. 

Emphasize the benefits your customers will gain by purchasing from you.

You should also include a call to action that lets them know what they need to do next, such as visit your website or buy an item.

It will increase your response rate and help you convert more customers.

It will increase your response rate and help you convert more customers.

Include an offer or call to action in the email body is one of the most critical parts of any marketing campaign.

It really will make all the difference between getting a customer’s attention and not getting their attention at all!

An excellent way to get people’s attention is by including something like “FREE SHIPPING!”

In bold letters on top of your email subject line, so they know exactly what they’re going to get if they open up this message from you!

You could also use phrases like “Hurry before supplies run out!” or “Last chance for this deal!” These are just some examples, but there are many other ways that you can grab someone’s attention with these simple words!

One thing I recommend doing is making sure that every single word counts when writing emails.

Because even though it may seem small, adding just one word could be enough for someone who might have been about to delete your message without opening it up first!

The last thing you want is for your messages to go unread, so please remember this tip when sending out emails from now on.

Create a Compelling Subject Line.

Use appealing subject lines. When you’re crafting the perfect email, don’t forget about your recipient. 

Your message needs to be clear and concise, so it’s easy to understand what they’ll get by reading your emails.

 The first thing a recipient sees is usually the email’s subject line, making sure this grabs their attention!

Your subject line is the first thing that your reader will see, and it has to grab their attention.

If it doesn’t grab their attention, they won’t open the email and never read what you have to say.

For example, a subject line like “Subject Line Generator” or “Check out my Facebook page!” won’t be of much interest to readers.

Make Sure You’re Sending Them to People Who Actually Want to Receive Them.

It’s not difficult to find potential customers for your business or service.

You can use Facebook ads/groups, Google Adwords, LinkedIn search engines, and even social media groups to find people interested in your product or service.

But how do you know if they want to receive emails from you?

  • make them sign up on a landing page
  • send them a confirmation email know as a double opt-in
  • explain on your landing page they will be receiving emails from you

I would recommend that you don’t spam people. It’s not funny, and nobody likes getting it. so don’t bother buying lists off people.

Provide Straightforward, Concise Content in Bullet Points For Easy Reading. 

Provide Great Content

It is vital to provide great content for your audience. Content creation can be difficult, but it has significant advantages.

To provide great content, you need a lot of research. The more information that you can get about the topic, the better your email marketing will be.

If you want people’s attention, then providing good content is one of the best ways possible!

It’s essential that we all take care of our audiences by giving them quality articles that they’ll love reading.

And when they’re happy with what they read from us, they’ll come back again and again! So don’t forget – research first before writing anything down!

If you cannot do this, then it is best not to write an article at all because it will just end up being bad quality work that people won’t like reading or viewing.

For those interested in providing great content but don’t know where they should start with their research,

there are many places online where one can find information on any given subject.

Such as Wikipedia or Google Scholar, which has academic articles from journals and books

Available for free download and use under certain conditions (i.e., Creative Commons).

YouTube contains videos on almost every topic imaginable, so if someone wants a visual representation of what they’re writing about,

they could watch some relevant videos before starting their own video blog post or documentary film project.

Related to the same topic(s) covered by these sources mentioned above – just make sure that whatever source you choose for your primary resource material has been vetted first!

Create The Content Regularly

You can’t just pump out one or two emails every couple of months – if you do this, there will be no consistency in how often people receive messages from you.

Keep things interesting with fresh content sent as frequently as possible — like daily (though some might argue weekly).

You want to give people something new each time they open up their

Providing great content is one of the most important aspects of any company’s marketing strategy.

But what does that mean? How do you provide great content, and how does it impact your bottom line?

Providing Great Content means creating or curating engaging, informative, and entertaining pieces consistently to keep your target audience happy with their experience with your company.

There are many benefits associated with providing quality content, from increased sales to improved customer retention rates to greater brand awareness

All things that will ultimately lead to more revenue for you!

Send Out An Introduction Email.

The introduction email is the first impression you make on a potential customer.

It can be your opportunity to show off your personality, speak about what makes you different from the competition, and interestingly introduce yourself.

Remember, When you meet someone new, they will ask what you do for a living. It’s hard to answer this question in a way that doesn’t make you sound like an egotistical jerk.

Instead of giving your elevator pitch, send them an introduction email to tell them more about yourself and why there is mutual interest in connecting further.

The intro email should be short, sweet, and personal.

Not something that looks like spam from some random salesperson at your company telling everyone how great things are going!

Don’t Pitch Right Away.

If you’re new to the world of entrepreneurship, it can be tempting to just start pitching your products and hoping for the best. 

I’m not usually one to judge, but I can tell you from experience that pitching your products right off the bat is a bad move. First of all, it’s rude and inconsiderate. 

Secondly, it doesn’t set you up for success in any way.

You want to make sure that the person on the other end is actually interested before they start listening to your pitch.

First, let’s take a look at the definition of pitching.

The term “pitch” can be defined as making a persuasive or informative presentation to someone to solicit their interest.

This is typically done by giving a sales presentation. Still, it could also be used in other contexts such as marketing, education, etc.

So what does this mean for you?

It means that when you are pitching your idea/product/service to someone else, they will often come up with their own questions. 

About what it is that you’re presenting them with without any prompts from you.

That’s because people have natural inquisitiveness that drives them towards asking questions when they don’t fully understand something and if we want

Focus on building relationships with potential customers instead of pushing yourself and your products onto them.

Instead of just pitching your products right off the bat, here are some other ways that will help you out. 

  1. Send an email with a personal touch and make sure they have time to respond.
  2. Make sure they actually need what you’re selling before sending any information or materials over. 
  3.  Offer something for free first, so they can see if it’s worth paying for later on down the road. 
  4.  Don’t take rejection personally! 
  5.  Be patient! 

Focus on building relationships with potential customers instead of pushing yourself and your products onto them.

It takes time and effort to build relationships with people who may end up being great clients down the line!


Email marketing is a cost-effective and efficient way to reach your customers. The average person checks their email 27 times a day, which means that you could be reaching them more often by sending them an email.

It also allows you to send customized messages based on what they’ve done online before, so you can create a relationship with each customer.

You can reach a large number of people in an instant with just one message. By using it in your business, you can quickly increase sales for your products or services.